It should come as no surprise that we have in our midst another new kitten. (We recently had 2 others that were the fluffiest most adorable little puff balls you've ever seen, finding them a good home was a snap.) Our neighbors found this newbie in their back yard, were going to call the SPCA, but first asked if it was mine. I said no, but that I would be willing to take care of her and find her a nice home. She had a big cut on her little lip and was a starving dirt ball. I fed her and washed her and she has adapted so well to all the newness. Her little meow was practically non-existent and now she cries incessantly when she wants to be fed, following you all around the kitchen. Pooky and Hermes, who greeted her with soft growls and hissing, now play, eat and sleep together like they were all from the same litter. So cute! The dogs also are very sweet, of course. Jack likes to get a little bite-y and I have to watch him with her alone, but other than that they all get along great. Well, that is except for Misto. She hates all kittens and refuses to accept this little one, even though it keeps trying to be her friend. This leads to my entertainment of the day while stuck on the couch:
Jack the black dog is psychotically protective of kittens. No matter where he is in the house, when Jack hears Misto growl and hiss at the kitties, he leaps into action barking and chasing her into a corner. The growling and hissing are now directed toward Jack and the kitten sits and watches this nonsense, unaware that he/she is the cause of it all. This happens more frequently now that there is another kitty in the house, I attempted to document this little scenario photographically for your enjoyment.
Act I: Kitten is getting a little too close... |
Misto gives a warning growl and hiss! (...ok, really she was yawning, but I kept missing the actual growl.. |
Act II: BAM!! Jack springs into defense mode and gets between his precious kitten and the threat! |
"Who you growlin at B?!!?" |
"You leave my little buddy alone!! I kill you!!!" |
"You OK little friend?" |
Act III: Misto: "...just wait till he goes ouside, you little bastard." |