Friday, July 8, 2011

A girl's best friend

Well yesterday was my 30th birthday and I loved it!! For the past few months I have been dreading the end of my 20's, but recently I have been excited and almost looking forward to it. I actually feel different, it's like a birthday fairy came in to my room at night and switched my thinking all around, because when I woke up I felt 30. And it felt good. I feel like I can confidently say more than ever before "I'm a grown woman!" Since I've just been way more personal than I intended to be on this blog, I will stop with all the "feelings."                                    
           My day started off with James letting the dogs in to jump happily all over me, a yummy slice of coffee cake and a creamy latte. I enjoyed these things for a while in bed, then it was off to shop with mom! To Fresno, where I spent ALOT of money on mostly fancy & comfy underwear-ha! I came home and James took  me to dinner at the Vintage Press and I had the best steak I've ever eaten in my life-fillet mignon, I realized I'd never had it before (not a huge red meat eater..), every bite was heavenly, I didn't even add ketchup. We then drove to a secluded spot that James had discovered in an orange orchard and watched the sunset while sipping champagne that he had snuck along in a cooler :)  He then announced he had a present for me and pulled a little black box from his pocket, he opened it and revealed the most beautiful diamond earrings. I was in shock, I asked if they were real and cried when he said they were. I couldn't believe my darling, sweet, money-saving husband had gotten me such an extravagant gift. I have a habit of twisting the backs of my earrings around and all through out today when I reach for my ear lobes I think "Oh yeah! Diamonds!!!" I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day or way to celebrate this new decade.

they're real baby!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, happy birthday to you! Those diamond earrings are gorgeous!

    It's good to know you finally embraced 30. I've got less than a year and a half of being in my twenties, and I fully dread when they'll be over. I'm hoping some magical switch will happen to me, as well. In the meantime, I'm still clinging...
