This morning in the back yard Pepper found a big piece of bark (or a tree stump..?) to chew on, like he ususally does. I don't like this because Im always worried he's going to choke or get a chunk of it lodged in his intestines. So I gave him a rawhide replacement hoping he would continue to sit in the sun, content with something better to chew on. Wrong. Pepper takes his bones and rawhides very seriously. After being in the house for a bit, I came back out and James encouraged me to go near where Pepper had just burried his bone. The closer I got to the spot, the closer Pepper got, until he was jumping all around as if to say, "Hey! Get out of here! How did you know where I put that?!" I un-burried it and threw it in the yard, demanding that he chew it up, not hide it. He refused and grabbed it up, and began a frantic search for a new place. He dug beside a big bush, carefully laid his treasure into the hole and covered it gently with his little nose. Then Misto came stalking along the fence, the closer she got to the hidding place, the more nervous he got, jumping back and forth between her and the covered bone. She eventually jumped down right near it and he chased her off with a snap and a bark, "You're all against me!" I imagined him thinking. Our darling dog, unsatisfied that we all knew where his treat was, dug it back up out of the earth and decided to just keep watch over it.
" I care about your stupid bone!" -Misto |
time to find a new spot! |
Misto is so awesome! |
defeated :( |
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