Sunday, April 17, 2011

Snails, you've been warned.

This year I decided to to try and plant some veggies and herbs from seeds. The more something is made from scratch, the more satisfying it seems to be for me. So, I thought instead of buying pre-grown/started plants from Lowe's, I ordered some seeds from a great website,, which has a huge selection of heirloom and older varieties of fruits and vegetables that people from all over the country contribute to. So my 'Italian Heirloom' tomato seeds could've come from Betty Smith in Washington and my 'Brandywine' variety could've come from Doug Moore's great grandpa's first tomato crop. I have 3 types of tomatoes, a yellow one that I'm excited about, sweet peppers, soy beans, zucchini, fennel, watermelon, thai and sweet basil, and chives-all from seeds! It is such a miracle to me that if I put a tiny seed into some dirt and water it-a plant will grow! And not only a plant, food! Just amazes me. The first time I noticed a little spriglet popping up from the soil, I wanted to wake up the neighborhood with the joyous news. So far they are all doing well, except for the watermelon, an Orangeglo, that is bright orange on the inside! I have had to replant it 4 times! I don't know what Im doing wrong, I'm trying to germinate them in little containers instead of the ground-we'll see.


This morning I was pissed to see that my pepper sprouts, which I also replanted twice, and have tried to care for, had been ravished by snails. I never really cared about snails eating plants until I started growing and caring for my own. I used to cringe when I stepped on them accidentaly and judge people who killed them in their gardens as being cruel. But this morning I found the two offenders who had stolen my precious, little plant leaves and I threw them as high and fast and as hard as I could into a parking lot behind my house. With no remorse. They have also attacked my dahalias that have just started to emerge, another first planting for me. I was glad to see one dead and dried up after eating the snail bait my darling husband sprinkled around.  The peppers have all been replanted, agian, 6 in all-I really hope they will grow!

Score: seedlings: 3 snails: 6
Misto volunteered to keep watch...


  1. Yay! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogs! I think this is going to be good! If you click on a blog and you like it, you can follow them, just like I did with you. So whenever you have an update, I'll see it on my homepage.

    Anyway, really cute little writing. I don't garden yet, so I can say: Poor Snails!! I can't wait to taste some of that yummy harvest...

  2. Oh you've already been following. You're a natural. Please disregard my well meaning advice.

  3. I believe I am following the correct blog, by the comments Chels has left and the picture, but I'll admit I'm confused. At any rate, welcome to the blogging world, Rita! I've just gotten into gardening this year, too, and it's been so so fun. I totally know what you meant about seeing those first seedlings pop up and wanting to shout it to the nations. Good luck battling the snails!

  4. How to create tabs:

    Super easy! On your dashboard, click on "New Post." You'll see at the top, there are three tabs: New Post, Edit Posts, and Edit Pages. Click on Edit Pages, then click the big blue button that says New Page. That will become a tab! You can add up to 10 pages, and they'll show up either across the top or as a sidebar, depending on what you want. People can't comment on your tab pages, but they're great to do stand-alone things. They work just like posts. You can save them until you're ready to publish, then publish. Once you have pages, then you can change the order by going to your Design page. They'll come up as a "Pages" box, and you can move the location or change the order by clicking Edit.

    Hope this makes sense! Let me know if I can help in other ways. Happy blogging!
