Friday, July 29, 2011

In other news

In our top story tonight, we bring you shocking images from the devastation that happened yesterday in the tomato garden. The main perpetrator has been caught, but it has been confirmed that he has many other partners in crime, still hard at work. As the search continues, hopes are that they will all be caught before much more damage can occur.

As you can see, entire stalks have been wiped out

smaller criminals were only able to take bites out of leaves,
but still left considerable damage
blooms that would be fruit, gone.

Below the convicted suspect after being caught in the act, just before being sentenced to death by tire squishing:

showing no remorse, the monster continues to take bites,
even after being convicted.

The death sentence was said to be carried out this evening, around 5pm.

In other news, the kittens continue to grow and get cuter by the minute! They are slowly starting to eat a teeny bit of solid food, are warming nicely to Pepper and Jack, and may have homes in a few weeks! We are also glad to report that there has been significant improvement in the behavior of Misto toward the kittens. She has hissed less, and has come into the room with them voluntarily and stayed for more than a few minutes-she even touched noses with one in the hall yesterday. We are hoping she will continue to stop being a "B".

you really need to be in a calendar

Jack finally calmed down


...just call me the Cat Lady

ah ha! caught him in mid-flip :) 


Sunday, July 24, 2011

...kitten parade cont..

"...ahh! they're after me!"  -Pepper

"where'd he go?" -kittties

"this way! get him!" -kitties

" elch."  -Misto

"ooo! I think this door goes out to the wilderness!'  -kitties

"stay in here!" -Pepper

Pepper attemps an escape....

...and is foiled again! clever kittens

"yeah, yeah go in the bathroom..." -Pepper

"crap." -Pepper

"alright..let's go back to your room..." -Pepper

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Attack of the kitten parade

These kitties are becoming more mobile by the hour. I can't believe how fast they are growing! I'm mostly glad about this for 2 reasons: 1-they are learning to poop in one spot and it's not on each other anymore and 2- they are starting to play and I don't know how many more times I can say "That's the cutest thing I've ever seen." A wobbly kitten trying to paw at it's sibling? Roll on it's back, exposing it's round, fuzzy tummy and batting at my fingers? Gray, stripey runt jumping-yes jumping, all four tiny feet off the ground, in midair at nothing? DAHH!!! I want to keel over from cuteness overload. I have introduced the litter box and they are pretty good at it, it's so much easier to pick up a pee filled clump than mop up a newspaper covered floor. The poop is becoming more contained and I love that.
Yesterday at noon feed time, James unlatched the crate and they all came spilling out into the hall! I haven't seen them move that fast yet and it was adorable, especially when it looked like they were following Pepper out of the room like little quails! I have yet to capture the fullness of this sight, they are so fast and make most of the pictures blurry-but I will try until I get it, because seeing it will make your day a better place. Misto is not thrilled about the kittens' migration, she watched one today with curious disgust as it came closer to her until the two were inches away and she hissed and ran off. I think she will wear down eventually and hopefully have some little playmates for a time.

hooray for the litter box! they don't cover up yet-but I'll take what I can get.

yes, the kitten is holding on to Pepper's face.
yes, the kitten is trying to bite Pepper's cheek. I know... I know...
she's as small as she looks.

the full parade never happened today, but this is a start
they turned around found the bathroom
play time!

gray girl is definitely the feistiest so far and the runt of course.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Just more kitty pictures...

Does anyone get tired of pictures of kittens? I hope not, because that's probably all you will see here for the next little while! Enjoy!

thier ears wiggle when they eat

full and sleepy

can you breathe?

this one goes into a food coma right after eating-so cuties!

I know this is so fuzzy-but please notice how they all spilled out of the house while napping!

Misto sulking

"Hi friend!"

little fatso!

I love how big Pepper's eyes get when he's with them all :)

Misto finally came in to have a look, she left shortly after.