Tuesday, July 19, 2011

KITTENS! brought to you by KITTENS!!!!

Oh man. I don't even know how I have time or energy to write anything right now as my life has been taken over by 5, yes FIVE, 2-3 week old kittens. I convinced myself, and James, that the mom cat (the same one from an earlier post) wasn't caring for her teenies and I could take care of them. Did you know you have to rub their little privates to help them pee and poo because their muscles can't do it yet? It's real fun. It's especially fun when they shit all over each other and you have to clean them off! I've never done more laundry in my life. Despite the hard parts, I am enjoying it- I mean baby kitties? What is cuter?  I am so used to hearing their tiny "meeew meew mmmeeew!" that I think I hear it all day, I'll go in to check on them and realize I was actually hearing a bird or a squeaky truck trailer go by.
Another adorable thing is Pepper. He LOVES the kittens. He is so fascinated with them and it is precious to watch. Jack is a little too snippy with them and I think he wants to have them as a snack, so I've been keeping him away most of the time, while Pepper is more than welcome to come in for feedings and cleanings. The other day Jack got a little too close and Pepper full on attacked him, protecting his little buddies! Misto could not be more upset with these bunners-she HATES them and right this moment she is meowing in my face at the computer as if to say, "What the hell!? I need some attention too you know!! Get those stinky kitties out of here!!!" She goes the long way around, over our bed, to get to her little house at night, as to avoid any contact. I plan on giving her way more loves today, poor babe.

look at his little legs all sprawled out!!

just call me "Mama Cat Jimmy"

James loves that he was better at feeding them than me

some of them have 6 toes-one has 7!!

starting to clean themselves :)

DAH!! I just wanna squish 'em!!
Pepper having a look around

"...my kitties..."

1 comment:

  1. GAH! So stinking cute! DId James tell you I asked if I could come over and help bottle feed them? I begged because I'd never bottle fed anything before. They were still a little unsteady when they would walk so all of a sudden as they're crawling along your leg they roll off as if pushed by some unseen force. It was funny. You're such haven for these little kitties...well all the cats in your neighborhood are lucky to have you and James. The city of Visalia should give you an award really. I should write to them about that...
